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art form 藝術形式。

“ the english have developed snobbery to an art form , “ style commentator stephen bayley said 英國人已把勢利發展成一門藝術,時尚評論家貝利說。

Thorburn , david . “ is tv acting a distinctive art form ? 戴維?索伯恩:電視表演是特殊的藝術形式嗎?

Thorburn , david . “ is tv acting a distinctive art form ? 大衛?索伯恩:電視表演是特殊的藝術形式嗎?

art glass

The relation between the art form zhangha and the popularity of peacock princess legend in daile area 章哈與孔雀公主故事在滇南傣泐人區域流傳的關系

“ the english have developed snobbery to an art form , “ style commentator stephen bayley said 英國人已把勢利發展成一門藝術,時尚評論家貝利說。

Walker : we have always practiced landscape architecture as an art form , equal to painting and sculpture 您怎樣看待景觀中藝術性與功能性的關系?

Ye was initiated into the art form at the age of eight and became a disciple of wang jinlu 他的表演有莊諧適度的大丑型格,不俗不厭,具蕭派風范。

On our country landscape architecture draw lessons from the considering of western modern art form 我國園林對于西方現代藝術形式的借鑒及思考上

Green tea is widely consumed throughout asia and is nothing short of an art form in japan 綠茶在亞洲非常風靡,在日本可謂是一種藝術形式。

In asian and mediterranean cuisines , cooking fruits and vegetables is an art form 在亞洲及地中海的美食中,烹調水果及蔬菜是一種藝術。

A style that breaks with traditional art forms and searches for new modes of expression 一種新的、脫離傳統藝術手法的表現形式。

Q : what unique art form was developed by first nations people on the west coast 哪一種獨有的藝術形態是西岸的第一民族所建立的?

The city covers itself in flowers and takes chocolate to an art form 這個城市整個被鮮花覆蓋了,把赭色發展成了一種藝術形式。

What unique art form was developed by first nations people on the west coast 哪一種獨有的藝術形態是西岸的第一民族所建立的?

Participation in an art form should be at least as great as that art form 參與一個藝術的形式,應該至少和藝術形式一樣偉大。

And so with the stage , with sculpture , with opera , with every art form 舞臺也如此,雕塑歌劇和每一種形式的藝術也都如此。

Therefore , this art form takes shape day by day . it is an oil painting 今天信息的喜樂之處,就是把腦海里的圖象變為真實。

Finite risk product is another kind of mature art form 有限風險產品也是一種早期的與傳統保險業務聯系密切的art產品。

Art form and visual veracity 藝術形式與視覺真實